Mail setup for third-party domains

Hello folks. I’m sorry in advance if this is the wrong place to ask, but … I’m having some issues figuring out how to use Collective Tools to operate an email account associated with a Cargo domain. Fundamentally, I don’t understand how username@cargo relates to (when I try to setup DNS stuff according to Cargo support).

I’m not usually this hopeless but this has me kinda stumped, and I would really appreciate any assistance you may have to offer.

Hi @jon ! Thanks for getting in touch, we’ve been I bit slow here due to covid, sorry to keep you waiting.
Do you have an individual account with an email address? In that case you unfortunately can’t use a custom domain name for your email address, other than by 1) forwarding your emails from another address to you address (or the other way around) or 2) by getting an external email address and adding it to the Nextcloud email interface.
If you have a group installation of Nextcloud we can set up integration with custom email addresses, so that each Nextcloud user gets their own email at a custom domain.

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